Journal of Multidiscipline and Collaboration Research is a scientific research journal published by the Yayasan Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Harapan Ananda

Yayasan Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Harapan Ananda was established in 2000, according to Notarial Deed Number 30, dated August 11, 2000, approved by the Pontianak District Court on August 29, 2000, Number 33/YY.PEND/2000. In 2021, Yayasan Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Harapan Ananda changed the management structure according to Notarial Deed Number 23, dated November 16, 2021, and based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number AHU-0027198.AH.01.04.2021 concerning the ratification of the Establishment of the Legal Entity Yayasan Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Harapan Ananda.

Journal of Multidiscipline and Collaboration Research contains publications of the results of thoughts and research in all scientific fields (multidiscipline). This includes the fields of education, health, law, economics, IT (Informatics Engineering), Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Fisheries, Agriculture, Social Humanities and other fields of science.

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Journal Title

Journal of Multidiscipline and Collaboration Research

Accreditation  -
Language Indonesian and English
ISSN P-ISSN: 3063-4288 E-ISSN: 3063-2366
Frequency 2 Issues Per Year (June and November)
DOI 10.58740 by Crossref Logo Stacked RGB SMALL
Editor-in-chief Assist. Prof. Ridho Dedy Arief Budiman, M.Pd.
Publisher Yayasan Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Harapan Ananda
Indexing and Abstracting Google Scholar

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

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Published: 2024-08-29


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