Author Guidelines

Author guidelines

The following are instructions for writing papers in the Jurnal Riset, Edukasi, Vokasi, Inovasi, dan Sosial (J-REVISI). The author is fully responsible for the contents of the manuscript written and the manuscript is a writing that has never been published. The bibliography is made sequentially starting from 1, 2, 3 and so on.


Title Written with Timens New Roman 12pt Font (Maximum 12 Words: English/Indonesian)

Author1*, Author2

E-mail:, *(indicate corresponding author)

The title should be clear, straightforward, brief, and informative that represents the content of the article, a maximum of 12 words, 12pt font size, bolded and only the first letter of the word is capitalized.

The author's name is written clearly without title. All authors' emails are displayed, if the author concerned is not the first author, the * symbol can be added behind the email of the author concerned.

 Abstract [Times New Roman 11]

The abstract should summarize the background, research objectives, methods, findings, and main conclusions of the paper. The writing of the abstract in Indonesian is written left-right aligned, after the abstract in English, with one space and one column. The word "Abstract" as the title is written in Times New Roman letters, right and left aligned, with the first letter capitalized. The abstract text is written in Times New Roman 11-point font, single-spaced, with a maximum of 250 words. Abstract in Indonesian and English, include key words from the manuscript, 3 to 6 words/phrases. Then continue with the main text of the manuscript.


Keywords are written in 3 - 6 words/phrases which should be a subset of the title of the manuscript and separated by commas between words/phrases.

Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts are written with structure; 1. Introduction, 2.  Research Methods (can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusion, 5. Acknowledgments (optional) and 6. Reference List.

The contents of the introduction are answers to questions [3,4]: (1). Background, (2). Reasons for conducting this research and (3). Purpose question. State of the art, gap analysis and noverlity can be seen here. Avoid discussing general literature reviews and definitions.

Research methodology

Describe the preparation method and characterization techniques used. Describe briefly, but remain accurate such as size, volume, replication and machining techniques. For new methods it should be explained in detail so that other researchers can reproduce the experiment. Meanwhile, established methods can be explained by picking references [5-7].

Script Length

Manuscripts are written in A4 paper size with a minimum number of pages of 6 pages excluding the list of references, a maximum of 15 pages, including tables and figures, spacing between paragraphs of 6pt and with reference to the writing procedures as compiled in this paper.

Results and Discussion

The series of research results is based on a logical sequence/arrangement to form a story. The contents show facts/data and do not discuss the results. Can use Tables and Figures but does not describe repeatedly the same data in images, tables and text. To further clarify the description, you can use subtitles.

The discussion is a basic explanation, relationships and generalizations shown by the results. The description answers the research question. If there are doubtful results then present them objectively.

Manuscript Layouts

An easy way to create layouts is to use this guide directly. Basically it is recommended not to use numbering (1, 2, 3, a, b, c etc.) in discussing the manuscript, change it into sentences. Avoid using bullets/ordered lists with *, ? and other symbols. Avoid blank sections of the page.

So that the submitted manuscript can be processed immediately by the editor, make sure it has been written properly following the instructions in this guide carefully.


Tables should be numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.). The table title is written above the table with a center justified position, no bold or color print. The font size used is 11pt for both table titles and table contents. Tables must be referred to and referred to in the text. There are no plumb lines in the table.


Figures are numbered in the order of presentation (Figure 1, etc.). The title of the image is placed below the image in the center position (center justified). The font used in the image title is 12pt. Images must be referenced and referenced in the text.


Formulas are written clearly using equations with index numbers, explanations of formula variables are written in paragraph form, not item lists.

Listing Program

Program listings and algorithm design are written using Lucida Console font (12pt) with a fixed width

Page Specifications

Use the Times New Roman font type throughout the text, with the font size as exemplified in this writing guide. The spacing is single and the contents of the text or manuscript use left-right alignment (justified). Page size is A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). Page margins are 2.54 cm top-down, left and right.

An easy way to write scripts is to write directly in template Jurnal.


In the conclusion there should be no references. The conclusion contains the facts obtained, sufficient to answer the problem or research objectives (do not constitute further discussion); State the possible applications, implications and speculations as appropriate. If necessary, provide suggestions for further research. State the conclusion in sentences in the form of paragraphs, not in the form of numbering.

Acknowledgments (if any)

Mention the name of the donor and facility provider who helps.


It is recommended to use Mendeley/Zotero tools for referral management. Everything listed in the bibliography/reference must be referred to/referenced in the manuscript. Minimum 10 primary and recent references (last 5 years). Written in 11pt font size and using the IEEE citation method.
Jurnal Riset Edukasi, Vokasi, Inovasi, dan Sosial (J-REVISI) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License