Author Guidelines

Juwara Jurnal Wawasan dan Aksara is a scientific publication in the fields of Education which is intended for novice writers and researchers, lecturers, students, business people in the field of science, and activists in the field of education. It is published every two months using a peer review system for the selection of articles in each publishing edition. Juwara Jurnal Wawasan dan Aksara accepts original research articles relevant to the field and Scope of the Journal. Articles can be sent to the editorial board with the following conditions:

Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts are written with structure; 1. Introduction, 2. Research Methods (can include analysis, architecture, methods used to solve problems, implementation), 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusion, 5. Acknowledgments (optional) and 6. Reference List.

Writing Format

  • Articles must use proper and correct Indonesian or english.
  • Articles are typed in 1.5 space on A4 paper.
  • The left and top margins are 3cm and the right and bottom are 3cm.
  • The minimum number of pages is 10 pages and maximum number of pages is 15 pages.
  • The font style is Times New Roman and the font size is 12.
  • Articles submitted must be in Microsoft Word (MS-Word) format.


Title Written with Calibri 16pt Font (Maximum 14 Words: English/Indonesian)

Author1*, Author2

E-mail: *(indicate corresponding author)

The title should be clear, straightforward, brief, and informative that represents the content of the article, a maximum of 14 words, 16pt font size, bolded and only the first letter of the word is capitalized.

Abstract and Keyword

The abstract should summarize the background, research objectives, methods, findings, and main conclusions of the paper. The writing of the abstract in Indonesian is written left-right aligned, after that the abstract in English, with one space and one column. The word "Abstract" as the title is written in Calibri letters, left aligned, with the first letter capitalized. The abstract text is written in Calibri 10-point font, single-spaced, with a minimum of 150 words and maximum of 250 words. Abstract in Indonesian and English, include key words from the manuscript, 3 to 6 words/phrases. Then continue with the main text of the manuscript.


Tables should be numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.). The table title is written above the table with a center justified position. The font size used is 12pt for table titles. Tables must be referred to and referred to in the text. There are no plumb lines in the table.


Figures are numbered in the order of presentation (Figure 1, etc.). The title of the image is placed below the image in the center position (center justified). The font used in the image title is 12pt. Images must be referenced and referenced in the text.


Formulas are written clearly using equations with index numbers, explanations of formula variables are written in paragraph form, not item lists.

Statistical Method

Statistical methods should be described in detail in the methods chapter and supported by references. Unusual methods are written in detail with references to these methods.


In the conclusion there should be no references. The conclusion contains the facts obtained, sufficient to answer the problem or research objectives (do not constitute further discussion); State the possible applications, implications and speculations as appropriate. If necessary, provide suggestions for further research. State the conclusion in sentences in the form of paragraphs, not in the form of numbering.

Acknowledgment (if there are)

Mention the name of the donor and facility provider who helps.


It is recommended to use Mendeley tools for referral management. Everything listed in the bibliography/reference must be referred to/referenced in the manuscript. Minimum 10 primary and recent references (last 10 years). Written in 12pt font size and using the APA citation method.